Train AI Chatbot

Expand your AI’s knowledge by feeding it information from multiple sources. This broadens its understanding of different topics relevant to your organization and allows to provide more accurate answers when searching through documents or knowledgebase.

Thereby making the system even more valuable for everyone involved!

Supported formats currently offers support for files in

  • Markdown,
  • Markdoc,
  • MDX,
  • HTML, and
  • Plain text.

However, we have plans to extend its support to more formats in the future. This expansion will provide users with more options and flexibility in creating and publishing content on the platform.

Currently formats like CSV, and upload pdf’s are not supported.

Supported Sources offers two convenient options to train your chatbot with the content necessary to provide accurate and helpful responses to your customers. Let’s explore these options in detail:

Option 1: Connect Website

With the “Connect Website” option, you have the flexibility to enter your website URL as the base domain or specify a specific path to train your chatbot effectively. Here’s how it works:

  • Enter your website URL: Start by entering your website URL, such as, as the base domain. This will allow the chatbot to fetch content from all URLs starting from the given URL.

  • Specific path option: Alternatively, you can provide a specific path, such as, to train your chatbot. In this case, the chatbot will fetch content only from the given path and its subpaths.

  • Fetching single URL: If you want to train your chatbot with content from just a single URL, you can uncheck the box below the website URL field. This way, the chatbot will focus on fetching content solely from the provided URL.

To make your chatbot as informative as possible, it is recommended to provide multiple relevant links from your website. By doing so, the AI can learn from a broader range of content and become knowledgeable enough to answer your customers’ questions accurately.

Note: Please ensure that the URLs you provide are valid and contain content relevant to your customers’ queries.

Option 2: Connect Sitemap

The “Connect Sitemap” option allows you to connect a sitemap to train your chatbot efficiently. Here are the steps involved:

  • Provide sitemap: To connect the sitemap, simply provide the URL of your sitemap which should look something like The sitemap should contain the website URLs that hold the relevant content you want your chatbot to learn from.

  • Avoid sub-sitemap links: When providing the sitemap, it’s important to avoid including sub-sitemap links. The chatbot works best with the primary sitemap containing direct URLs to your website content.

By leveraging the “Connect Sitemap” option, you can ensure a comprehensive training experience for your chatbot, enabling it to deliver accurate and relevant responses to your customers.

By utilizing these two options, you can train your chatbot effectively and optimize its ability to provide valuable support to your customers. Choose the option that best suits your needs and maximize the benefits of

Best Practices for Connecting Your Website or Sitemap

When connecting your website or sitemap to for training your chatbot, following these best practices can greatly enhance the effectiveness and accuracy of your AI chatbot. Additionally, formatting your website content with proper HTML tags ensures better understanding and distinction of different topics and sub-topics. Let’s dive into the details:

  • Provide Relevant and Comprehensive URLs: Include URLs that contain content directly related to the questions your customers may ask. The more relevant and comprehensive the URLs provided, the better equipped your chatbot will be to answer customer queries accurately.

  • Images are ignored: AI chatbot will ignore images from your website.

  • Frequently Updated Content: Whenever you update the content on your website please retrain the bot from the “Manage Sources” seciton inside the dashboard to keep your bot up-to-date with the content on your website.

  • Ensure Website Accessibility: Make sure that the URLs you connect are accessible to the chatbot. If any URLs are protected by authentication or require a specific login to access, the chatbot may not be able to fetch the content for training purposes. Restricting website crawling in robots.txt will also prevent the bot from crawling your website.

  • Formatting Website Content for Better Understanding: Proper use of HTML tags can significantly aid the chatbot’s ability to train and learn. Structure your content using <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, and other relevant heading tags to define different topics and sub-topics. This helps the AI distinguish between different sections and understand the hierarchy of information.

  • Include Hyperlinks: Use HTML tags like <a> in your text which then helps the AI identify and prioritize significant links while training. AI can then showcase these links inside the chat answers to your users.

By following these best practices and formatting your website content with proper HTML tags, you can maximize the training and learning capabilities of your AI chatbot. This will enable it to provide accurate and relevant responses to your customers.

If you require any further assistance or have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to help you make the most of and optimize your AI chatbot’s performance.